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- In fact, the outside thinks, including Yahoo! Japan shares Asian2013/06/11
- Alibaba group and the negotiations between the internal change and rupture2013/06/11
- Wholesale money market Broker's Firm BGC Partners analyst C2013/06/11
- Analysis of market mechanism the International (Susqueh2013/06/11
- Electricity price war suffering upstream suppliers: order bursting staff.2012/08/23
- In addition to Samsung, Nokia also joint China Telecom jointly launched2012/08/23
- Another meaning is, because of the new models of the listing gives2012/08/22
- In May 8, 2012, promote the use of TSV ( TSV ) 3D laminated to a2012/08/16
About the company

Shenyang Hensheng Co., Ltd delivers curtain wall design and construction, fit out and management services to owners and occupiers of real estate、industrial project in China. Our offices in Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin operate with the following licenses issued by the Chinese Government: Curtain wall, Interior decoration.Our reference project include View details>>